
作者: 时间:2019-03-21 点击数:













201310-20169月,Kyushu University(日本九州大学),环境系统工程,博士学位






中国有色金属学会会员、日本应用粘土学会会员,Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Clay Science等二十余个国际知名期刊审稿专家,江西省/湖南省/湖北省科技厅项目评审专家,国家留学基金委公派研究生项目评审专家。


本科生:《环境分析化学》、《General Chemistry》、《环境科学与工程专业英语》



1、 2018年获批江西省高等学校教学改革研究省级课题1

2、 2019年获批校级研究生课程体系建设项目1

3、 2017-2022年度6次获评校级优秀本科生毕业论文指导教师

4、 20182020年度校级优秀班主任

5、 2021年度优秀硕士论文指导教师

6、 2022年指导本科生以一作发表核心期刊学术论文1


1、 江西省自然科学基金面上项目,改性蒙脱石的钨钼分离特征及其循序吸附典型重金属的影响机制(批准号:20212BAB203016),2021/11-2023/1010万元,主持,在研。

2、 国家重点研发计划子课题,离子型稀土矿浸矿场地土壤污染控制及生态功能恢复技术(批准号:2019YFC1805105. 2020/01-2022/1250万,主持,在研。

3、 国家重点研发计划,中部矿业特色产业集聚区固废资源化利用集成示范(批准号:2018YFC1903400),2019/01-2022/12,参与,学术骨干,已结题。

4、 赣州市科技局,矿区重金属污染土壤异位修复关键技术与示范,2020/01-2022/12,主持。

5、 国家自然科学基金项目,过渡金属离子与高分子载体、氨配体间空间匹配及其在高盐氨氮废水处理中应用(批准号:51864021),2019/01-2022/1239万元,参与,已结题。

6、 江西省博士后择优资助项目,Gemini季铵盐改性蒙脱石层间微域调控与钨吸附构效关系研究(批准号:2018KY32),2019/05-2021/053万元,主持,已结题。

7、 64批中国博士后科学基金项目(一等),镧/双子季铵盐改性蒙脱石同步脱氮除磷应用与机理研究(批准号:2018M640604),2018/02-2020/028万元,主持,已结题。

8、 江西省生态环境厅,Fe/Gemini季铵盐改性蒙脱石对砷、镉的吸附特性研究,2018/02-2020/0221万元,主持,已结题。

9、 江西省自然科学基金青年项目,超声与微波联合作用下双子季铵盐改性蒙脱石及其对高氯酸根的吸附研究(批准号:2017BAB216039),2017/06-2019/066万元,主持,已结题。

10、 江西省教育厅科学基金项目,Gemini季铵盐改性蒙脱石对137Cs+129I的富集特性研究(批准号:GJJ170536),2018/01-2020/012万元,主持,已结题。



1、 罗武辉、黄祈栋、袁秀娟、任嗣利,《蒙脱石改性与高氯酸根吸附的机理及应用拓展》,中南大学出版社,2020ISBN978-7-5487-4021-6.

2、 罗武辉、肖婷、袁秀娟、任嗣利,《季铵盐改性蒙脱石的表征与吸附应用》,冶金工业出版社,2021ISBN978-7-5024-8633-4.


1、 曹宏凯, 杨云云, 罗武辉. 超声对LaCO3OH改性蒙脱石除磷特性的影响研究. 工业水处理,(2022)DOI: 10.19965/j.cnki.iwt.2022-1033.

2、 袁秀娟, 曾萍, 任嗣利, 罗武辉. 镁铝层状双金属氢氧化物及其煅烧产物对水体W(VI)的吸附特征与机制. 中国环境科学,(2022)DOI: 10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20221010.007.

3、 袁秀娟, 肖婷, 黄祈栋, 任嗣利, 张大超, 罗武辉. 钨的环境毒理性及其污染防治技术研究进展. 环境污染与防治,9(44) (2022) 1248-1253.

4、 崔占朋, 杨铭轩, 谢水莲, 陈君, 罗武辉. 镧负载D201树脂同步脱硝除磷的性能对比. 有色金属科学与工程,4(13) (2022) 148154.

5、 Wang Peng, Zhanpeng Cui, Hongyan Fu, Hongkai Cao, Ming Chen, Dachao Zhang, Wuhui Luo*, Sili Ren*. Grafting of R4N+-bearing organosilane on kaolinite, montmorillonite, and zeolite for simultaneous adsorption of ammonium and nitrate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (2022) 12562.

6、 Silin Chen, Chengxiu Wu, Benru Song, Philip Antwi, Ming Chen, Wuhui Luo*. Nitrogen removal from the simulated wastewater of ionic rare earth mining using a biological aerated filter: Influence of medium and carbon source. Water, 14 (2022) 2246.

7、 You Mu, Wuhui Luo*, Zanpeng Cui, Meng Zhang, Philip Antwi, Dachao Zhang, Sili Ren. Synthesis of Fe3O4@Phoslock® composites and the application in adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29 (2022) 60674-60686.

8、 Qidong Huang, Xiaojie Hu, Xiujuan Yuan, Ting Xiao, Meng Zhang, Dachao Zhang, Sili Ren, Wuhui Luo*. Immobilization of W(VI) and/or Cr(VI) in soil treated with montmorillonite modified by a gemini surfactant and tetrachloroferrate (FeCl4). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425 (2022) 127768.

9、 Wuhui Luo*, Qidong Huang, Ping Zeng, Cheng Cheng, Xiujuan Yuan, Ting Xiao, Meng Zhang, Philip Antwi, Jialiang Xing, Sili Ren*. Gemini surfactant-modified montmorillonite with tetrachloroferrate (FeCl4) as a counterion simultaneously sequesters nitrate and phosphate from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 409 (2021) 124829.

10、 Ting Xiao, Wuhui Luo*, Jiali Wei, Xiujuan Yuan, Qidong Huang, Laixi Zou, Meng Zhang, Philip Antwi, Dachao Zhang, Sili Ren*. Adsorption of tungstate using cationic gemini surfactant-modified montmorillonite: Influence of alkyl chain length. Colloids and Surfaces A, 629 (2021) 127484.

11、 Wuhui Luo, Qidong Huang, Xiaomei Zhang, Philip Antwi, You Mu, Meng Zhang, Jialiang Xing, Hongwen Chen*, Sili Ren*. Lanthanum/Gemini surfactant-modified montmorillonite for simultaneous removal of phosphate and nitrate from aqueous solution. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 33 (2020) 101036.

12、 Wuhui Luo*, Qidong Huang, Philip Antwi, Binglin Guo, Keiko Sasaki*. Synergistic effect of ClO4 and Sr2+ adsorption on alginate-encapsulated organo-montmorillonite beads: Implication for radionuclide immobilization. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 560 (2020) 338−348.

13、 Qidong Huang, Xin Li, Sili Ren*, Wuhui Luo*. Removal of ethyl, isobutyl, and isoamyl xanthates using cationic gemini surfactant-modified montmorillonites. Colloids and Surfaces A, 580 (2019) 123723.

14、 Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Zuwen Liu, Wuhui Luo*, Hong Zhong, Guichun He, Changli Liang, Liqing Li, Lanqing Deng, Weng Fu*. Gemini surfactant: A novel flotation collector for harvesting of microalgae by froth flotation. Bioresource Technology, 275 (2019) 421−424.

15、 Wuhui Luo, Jiping Ouyang, Philip Antwi, Meng Wu, Zhiqiang Huang*, Weiwei Qin*. Microwave/ultrasound-assisted modification of montmorillonite by conventional and gemini alkyl quaternary ammonium salts for adsorption of chromate and phenol: Structure-function relationship. Science of the Total Environment, 655 (2019) 1104−1112.

16、 Wuhui Luo, Keiko Sasaki*, Tsuyoshi Hirajima. Influence of the pre-dispersion of montmorillonite on organic modification and the adsorption of perchlorate and methyl red anions. Applied Clay Science, 154 (2018) 1−9.

17、 Wuhui Luo, Aikihiro Inoue, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki*. Synergistic effect of Sr2+ and ReO4 adsorption on hexadecyl pyridinium-modified montmorillonite. Applied Surface Science, 394 (2017) 431−439.

18、 Wuhui Luo, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki*. Selective adsorption of inorganic anions on unwashed and washed hexadecyl pyridinium-modified montmorillonite. Separation and Purification Technology, 176 (2017) 120−125.

19、 Wuhui Luo, Takeru Fukumori, Binglin Guo, Kwadwo Osseo-Asare, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki*. Effects of grinding montmorillonite and illite on their modification by dioctadecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and adsorption of perchlorate. Applied Clay Science, 146 (2017) 325−333.

20、 Wuhui Luo, Akihiro Inoue, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki*. Sequential modification of montmorillonite with dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium chloride and benzyl octadecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride for removal of perchlorate. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 233 (2016) 117−124.

21、 Wuhui Luo, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki*. Optimization of hexadecyl pyridinium modified montmorillonite for removal of perchlorate based on adsorption mechanisms. Applied Clay Science, 123 (2016) 29−36.

22、 Wuhui Luo*, Keiko Sasaki, Tsuyoshi Hirajima. Effect of surfactant molecular structure on perchlorate removal by various organo-montmorillonites. Applied Clay Science, 114 (2015) 212−220.

23、 Wuhui Luo*, Keiko Sasaki, Tsuyoshi Hirajima. Surfactant-modified montmorillonite by benzyl octadecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride for removal of perchlorate. Colloids and Surfaces A, 481 (2015) 616−625.


1、 罗武辉,黄祈栋,袁秀娟,曾萍,程铖,谢登华,任嗣利,一种同步脱硝除磷的复合改性蒙脱石及其制备方法,ZL202010768787.1(授权)

2、 罗武辉,肖婷,曹宏凯,叶芊芊,任嗣利,一种吸附阴/阳重金属离子的复合改性蒙脱石的制备方法,CN202211397152.0(申请)







